Ratchford & Associates - Business Engineers

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What we do.
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Download these book excerpts from our Founder, Jim Ratchford:

Three Things for Success

Your Financial Statements are Misleading

What’s the Score?

Who Are Our Clients?

Our professionals have experience working with a wide variety of clients.  Most any business leader who needs or wants help turning his or her vision into success is a potential client -- with a few exceptions. 

First, we will not accept a client when we do not genuinely feel that we can provide a benefit that exceeds the expected investment in our services. Second, we will not accept a client who is not committed to true change -- and who is not ready, willing and able to work with us to accomplish it. We want clients for whom true change will be both welcomed and exciting.

Here are some general guidelines of our experience and client acceptance considerations:

By working with businesses in many different industries we have the opportunity to see and understand a very wide range of best business practices applied in a lot of different situations. This is one of the advantages that consultants who specialize in a single industry often miss.  Our industry experience includes working with hundreds of companies in industries including:

  • Agriculture
  • Communication
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Wholesale & Distribution
  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Dealerships
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Services, including business, personal and professional
  • Healthcare
  • Entertainment
  • Hospitality

Clients include high-tech, low-tech and no-tech operating in the above industries and others.

If your business is General Motors, AT&T, Exxon Mobil or another Fortune 500 company, then we encourage you to continue using your large consulting firm of Accenture or McKinsey & Company. At Ratchford & Associates, our focus is on small and mid-sized businesses, which we generally define as companies having revenues of $1 million to $100 million. We will occasionally work with start-ups or earlier stage businesses when their goals are to attain a significantly larger size.  We recognize that clients with sufficient size or growth plans will provide the clearest opportunities for an outstanding return on their investment in our services -- which is one of our client acceptance standards.

Ratchford & Associates is based in Oklahoma City, but our experience includes -- and we will continue to work with -- clients throughout the US and Canada.

If your business fits within these general guidelines and you would like to explore our help, please contact us for a confidential discussion.

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