Ratchford & Associates - Business Engineers

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What we do.
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Where we start.

Download these book excerpts from our Founder, Jim Ratchford:

Three Things for Success

Your Financial Statements are Misleading

What’s the Score?


Ratchford & Associates has a strict policy for handling client information. The information you provide to Ratchford & Associates is confidential and protected to the fullest extent possible. Ratchford & Associates will not disclose or distribute client information to third parties or even disclose that you are a client without prior written consent by you.

We may use our experience with you to develop a case study to assist us or others with the issues we worked with you to resolve. In that event, we will exclude from the case study information that would likely allow a reader to identify any specific client. Your confidentiality is important to us.

Of course, if you want to tell people about the good work we did for you, that will be fine with us!

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